Monday, 14 February 2011

Gooseberries and blueberries

GooseberriesIn a back corner of our garden we've eventually got around to planting the gooseberry bushes we bought by mail order before Christmas. They've been kept in water and have started to sprout a little, so I have great hopes that, despite the later than intended planting, they will survive. I think they're hardy little plants. We've no expectations of fruit this year, but hopefully next we'll have added to the crops we get from our garden.

OH also bought a blueberry bush, from the pound shop this week. Now, blueberries (in the UK) are best grown in pots, so we had to buy a suitable pot , which needed to be rather larger than OH expected. However before we could pay for our £50 pot the owner of the garden centre, having heard we were going to plant what could be best described as a 'twig' in one of his beautiful pots instantly offered us one of his blueberry bushes for half price. Not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, we now have a blueberry bush (from the garden centre) and a blueberry twig (from the pound shop) sharing a rather nice pot on our patio. Crossing our fingers they'll all survive the frosts the weather forecasts are now predicting and we'll be sitting out eating blueberries straight off the bush later this year (it may take a little longer, I think, for the twig to bare fruit).


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